Which Embroidery Machine Do I Choose?

Choosing an embroidery machine can be a bit overwhelming at first. We can help you make the right choice for your business needs. Ask yourself the following questions. What items do I need to embroider? Do I want to work caps? What size embroidery field do I need? Will I work on 3D Puff? On average how many colors do I need?

HappyJapan, Japanese Embroidery Machine
Ricoma, Chinese Embroidery Machine

What items are you planning to embroider?

Are you planning to work mainly flat embroidery? Shirts, badges, light fabrics are the easiest items to embroider. While Japanese embroidery machines produce up to twice as many garments, if you’re planning for low volume production a Chinese machine can get the job done.

Do you need to produce caps?

Both Japanese and Chinese embroidery machine brands come with everything you need to work on caps. So what is the difference? There are low, medium and high thickness caps. You can work on low thicknesss caps with both Japanese and Chinese machines. Japanese embroidery machines can work on thicker caps with ease, while Chinese brands need to run at slower speeds to avoid thread breaks.

How many needles do I need?

How many colors do your client’s designs require on average? How many different orders do you have per day? How much time are you willing to invest in re-threading your machine. Higher needle machines have the flexibility of having more common colors setup and minimize downtime of your production workflow.

What size embroidery field do I need?

Every embroidery machine works with a different maximum embroidery field. Consider the maximum are you are likely to work with, What type of designs do your clients usually need? Are you planning to do corporate logos, sports uniforms? biker jackets?

Will I work with 3D Puff?

Working with 3D Puff is amongst the most demanding tasks for any embroidery machine. Consider that the needle needs to travel longer on 3D Puff and the force required to stitch through the foam and the garment. Japanese machines feature more powerful motors and are designed so that they can work 3D puff with less hassle. We would not recommend a Chinese machine if you need to produce 3D puff caps regularly for your business.